# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Hm... you know, a don is never concidered a MEMBEr of the family... A Don is considered THE Family... ^_^ KK! I remember the rule... but... she started it... And that seemed the only way to make her stop...
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: no excuse to break a rule...none at all
2006-03-14 [Jino]: ::shrugs:: She broke it first. It was self-deffence. But... Oh well... fine... I'm sorry... Jesus, why is it every time I show up in the mafia I become center of attention?
2006-03-14 [Frosty French Fry]: you caused trouble....
2006-03-14 [Lust]: Aww everyone calm down! I'm alive! I'm okay! *jumps up* Jino is a retard and some day I shall get him when he least expects it.. (Luv yeah XOXO) And thank you guys *hugs all* ^-^ Matt, decide what you want to be yet?
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: i know this i a dumb question but whos matt?
2006-03-14 [Frosty French Fry]: me
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh...
2006-03-14 [Lust]: I hope I havnt forgot names.. That will be embarising, [Frosty French Fry] is.. right?? *starts to glow red*
2006-03-14 [Frosty French Fry]: Just make me something.....
2006-03-14 [Lust]: *beaths* I was right.. Hmm.. Would you like to be the artist? You did come up with the bullets and banner..
2006-03-14 [Lust]: *looks around* Hmm..
2006-03-14 [Frosty French Fry]: hmm...no.....s
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Hm... lyn, remind me to contribute to the banners, k?
2006-03-14 [individual thought]:
2006-03-14 [Soft as Bone]: that;s a cool picture!!
2006-03-14 [Deadly Pacifist]: awesome kitty :D
2006-03-14 [Lust]: Mines better! *nods*
2006-03-14 [Lust]:
2006-03-15 [Blinded Seraphim]: sorry, i dont give out a real pic
2006-03-15 [Lust]: Do you have a character you like? Use that?
2006-03-15 [Blinded Seraphim]: that i can do
2006-03-15 [Lust]: Yay!
2006-03-15 [Blinded Seraphim]: I just send it to jino then?
2006-03-15 [Lust]: Yuppers!
2006-03-16 [Blinded Seraphim]: alrighty then
2006-03-16 [Jino]: ^_^ And your title.
2006-03-16 [Lust]: Heh.. *pokes everyone* I'm back!
2006-03-16 [Jino]: Cool! ^_^
2006-03-16 [Lust]: I'm happy being back... I'm nominated as a cute girl! Whoo!
2006-03-16 [Jino]: cool! ^_^ ::gives you a thumbs up::
2006-03-16 [Lust]: WHOO! *bites it*
2006-03-16 [Jino]: ::bites Lynney's neck:: Let do, would you?
2006-03-16 [Lust]: *growls* I hate you.
2006-03-16 [Jino]: Hate ME? Why?
2006-03-16 [Lust]: Its easy... And I cant seem to even be able to bite your finger off... Seash.
2006-03-16 [Jino]: Why don't you try loving me instead? ((as a friend)) And... no, you may not bite my finger off, dear.
2006-03-16 [Lust]: I wanna bite it of... And hey! YOU TRYED TO KILL ME! Seash... Where is the love in that?
2006-03-16 [Jino]: Erm... I did kill you a long time ago... Plus- I didn't try to kill you. I was just trying to make you stop atacking me... I healed you, didn't I?
2006-03-16 [Lust]: You tryed. ANd you did. Seash.. *smacks*
2006-03-17 [Jino]: Ouch. ::huggles::
2006-03-17 [Lust]: Aww! *pokes and hugs bak*
2006-03-17 [Jino]: =P So... Anywho... YOU!!! ::points at family:: START SENDING ME THOSE FUCKING PICS AND TITLES IF YOU WANT ANYTHING DONE!!!
2006-03-17 [Kaze]: You'll never be my real dad.
2006-03-17 [Lust]: LMAO!
2006-03-17 [Voice of the Voiceless]: anyone want to see a cool music video?
2006-03-17 [Lust]: O.o of?
2006-03-17 [Voice of the Voiceless]: of a cool band
2006-03-17 [Lust]: Called?
2006-03-17 [Voice of the Voiceless]: El Manana
2006-03-17 [Lust]: Who?
2006-03-17 [Kaze]: "The male Apple" ..?
2006-03-17 [Lust]: O.o.. BALLS!
2006-03-17 [Voice of the Voiceless]: the gorillaz
2006-03-17 [Lust]: O.o... Ohhh! GORILLAZ!! ...
2006-03-17 [Voice of the Voiceless]: here's the link http://www.vid
2006-03-17 [Lust]: o.O
2006-03-17 [Lust]: To bad I dount have sound on this comp..
2006-03-18 [Jino]: ...? =P :D
2006-03-18 [Lust]: ???
2006-03-19 [The Fantastic Elk]: Hey, your finnaly back. :) YAY
2006-03-19 [Lust]: Heh! I AM! Yay!
2006-03-19 [The Fantastic Elk]: *tackles and hugs* I missed yea!!!
2006-03-19 [Lust]: I think everyone sorda has.. *pokes the wiki* Fuck! Dont die on me! Be active people!
2006-03-19 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *pulls up out front in a all black 69 charger r/t, and beeps the horn*
2006-03-19 [Lust]: *blinks* Hello!
2006-03-19 [Voice of the Voiceless]: * he shut off his car and got out* "Hey people"
2006-03-19 [Lust]: o.O *pokes*
2006-03-19 [Voice of the Voiceless]: What? my car? lol
2006-03-19 [W!ld KAT]: yall talk alot,....
2006-03-19 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Street Racers rp If anyones interested....
2006-03-20 [Lust]: *pokes* We still have rp's to do here.. *sigh*
2006-03-20 [Bran the Blessed]: lol. sup everyone. Been a while since the doc's been here. lol
2006-03-20 [Lust]: Come one could of DIED! *heart attack*
2006-03-20 [Bran the Blessed]: lol. get off the floor boss. Nice fake though.
2006-03-20 [Lust]: Thanks! *stands up slowly* But eh you have to see I do worry >.< You are all my family! And vice versa!
2006-03-20 [Blinded Seraphim]: real comforting boss... :)
2006-03-20 [Bran the Blessed]: yeah i know. Around june i will need to find a temp replacement. You know got Boot camp and Ait coming up soon. But till then everyone come when you hurt.
2006-03-20 [Lust]: Thanks =P And nah, we will wait for you.
2006-03-20 [Bran the Blessed]: Hey can i buy hits on here. lol
2006-03-20 [Lust]: O.o.. Umm..
2006-03-21 [The Fantastic Elk]: It wont lemme log in on elftown :(
2006-03-21 [Bran the Blessed]: just kidding boss
2006-03-21 [W!ld KAT]: sure u were!! *shifty eyes*
2006-03-21 [Bran the Blessed]: :looks down: uhhh yeah i was honest.
2006-03-21 [Voice of the Voiceless]: yes but could some of you atleast check it out or get a couple of your friends to? I mean i am dedicated to the mafias work like as one of the top spies, [Love like Winter.] even said that. Thats the least anyone could do......
2006-03-21 [Lust]: The mafia is dead.
2006-03-21 [Frosty French Fry]: how is it dead?
2006-03-21 [Voice of the Voiceless]: .> someone stabbed it XD
2006-03-21 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *hides a rusty knife behind his back* seriously, it wasn't me...
2006-03-21 [Jino]: PPL!!! Start sending me those photos and titles!!!
2006-03-21 [Bran the Blessed]: mafia is goin strong boss. its all good
2006-03-21 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *uses alchemy and electronic blinking signs in the form of fingers poi9nt towards bro.* XD
2006-03-21 [Lust]: I quit. There will be a contest for the new Don soon.
2006-03-22 [bloodmut]: why
2006-03-22 [Frosty French Fry]: umm...why?? and what the fuck sparked this
2006-03-22 [Lust]: I have my reasons.
2006-03-22 [bloodmut]: what are they?
2006-03-22 [Lust]: That isnt important.
2006-03-22 [bloodmut]: yeah it is are don is leaveing us
2006-03-22 [Lust]: ... I'll still be here just not as the Don
2006-03-22 [Frosty French Fry]: ALRIGHT YALL, WE NEED TO MAKE THIS FUCKER MORE ACTIVE........
2006-03-22 [Frosty French Fry]: And would someone please get a rag and clean up the dust off of this place
2006-03-22 [Jino]: ::gets a rag and broom:: Sure... ::starts cleaning:: BTW, LYN! Don't you dare!
2006-03-22 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *Claps his hand using alchemy and makes all the dust dessimate, turning different things into pure gold and silver* " Is that better matt? Heh"
2006-03-22 [Kaze]: o__o I'll prostitute me up some money, and we can hire dancing clowns! They'll be amusing, and when they aren't funny anymore, we can shoot em. :D
2006-03-22 [Jino]: HAHAHA!!! Sounds fun... Only... don't shoot the clowns... BLOW THEM UP WITH C4 HIDDEN IN PIES!!!
2006-03-22 [Frosty French Fry]: thats what im talkin bout
2006-03-22 [Bran the Blessed]: Hey all. The hospital could always use more helpers. Apply if you want
2006-03-22 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Sorry I'm only top rated spy.
2006-03-23 [Soft as Bone]: *twing* hospitals. i hate even going near one if i can help it (sorry i haven;t been on much)
2006-03-23 [Blinded Seraphim]: *sits down in his chair and pops the top off a bottle of whiskey*
2006-03-23 [W!ld KAT]: *takes the bottle and drinks before forge can smell the whiskey*
2006-03-23 [Jino]: ::smiles, than opens a bottle of beer and takes out a big gun::
2006-03-23 [Lust]: *Chews on his big gun O.O*
2006-03-23 [Blinded Seraphim]: well now that was just rude
2006-03-23 [Soft as Bone]: *grabs to whiskeys and hands one to Forge*
2006-03-23 [bloodmut]: hey i want one too
2006-03-23 [Soft as Bone]: hmmm *looks around and pulls cooler out from under a nearby chair**lifts two fists of whiskey bottles out of it* drinks all around!!! i got plenty
2006-03-23 [bloodmut]: awesome, takes one drink and falls over
2006-03-23 [Soft as Bone]: now don;t go passing out before we all get drunk
2006-03-23 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi
2006-03-23 [Soft as Bone]: hey! want a drink?
2006-03-23 [Soft as Bone]: a new don?!?! why?
2006-03-23 [Kaze]: Donald Duck..?
2006-03-23 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: LMAO niiiice... and yeah... a new don???
2006-03-23 [Lust]: Yes.
2006-03-24 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: What for?
2006-03-24 [bloodmut]: lynney you should pick if anything like handing it down if you must
2006-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Lynney, just pickle someone
2006-03-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: i speak for everyone when i say you will be sorely missed boss
2006-03-24 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: No way. Don't tell me Lynney's getting banned again.
2006-03-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: no, i thinkk shes leaving voluntarily this time
2006-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ya
2006-03-24 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Damn, for real!? *leans back* That sucks. I just took a look at her house. She's awesome. Those elfpack staff are d*ckheads, chasing her off like that...
2006-03-24 [Lust]: I'm leaving because I have been getting stupid messages that hurt me. And I can not take what people are saying. And many of the guards do not want me here. Also I have been reported already several times for stupid things, or so I have been informed on that. I am not a good Don for the mafia, there should be some one else who can take care of it well. I may be banned again at any time.
2006-03-24 [Lust]: And so – I decided it is best to leave. I know you fought so hard but obviously there is something wrong with me and I am not wanted here anyways. As I am told, “This isn’t your second chance, the only reason you’re here is luck because people want you here. One fuck up and your gone.”
2006-03-24 [Lust]: The mafia means a lot to me and I cant just hand it over to anyone. These wiki’s mean something to me… I need to know the person is going to volunteer time and want to help the mafia grow and expand and not get mowed over. I want the owner to spend time with the members and so on. Sorry.. I know I disappoint everyone.. But it is what I am good at.
2006-03-24 [W!ld KAT]: gonna miss you lynn,....big time
2006-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ditto...tons and tons
2006-03-24 [Lust]: One one main reason I am going... [SimpleAnnie] She decided to corner me. I was being rude in a wiki or so said. When I think I was fine and [Malve] sees I did nothing wrong. But I sent [SimpleAnnie] a coment and she said I insulted some one. To prove I didnt I posted it in my house and then I got in trouble for that. So yeah. =)
2006-03-24 [Jino]: :'( Well... Make a poll about it and let the Mafia Members pick their new leader. NO ONE MAY VOTE FOR THEMSELVES. Make a list of the ones you think can handle it first.
2006-03-24 [Lust]: Cutest Girl Award I hope we make the right choice on who to vote for..
2006-03-24 [bloodmut]: give us the names of all the people who were invovled of banning you
2006-03-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Arent you paying attention? shes leaving of her own free will
2006-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ya...this bites big time
2006-03-24 [Voice of the Voiceless]: .......
2006-03-24 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *starts to walk out* Just make sure the new don knows about my old Yakuza traditions...
2006-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: well, I agree with [Jino] on this one...if its come down to her leaving then lets take a vote
2006-03-24 [bloodmut]: she leaving cause she feels she being push out
2006-03-24 [Frosty French Fry]: apparently
2006-03-24 [Lust]: Guys. Do this for me. Please. I mean it. Cutest Girl Award I hope we make the right choice on who to vote for..
2006-03-24 [Lust]: To vote aply and say you want to too [Elfpack Awards] ...
2006-03-25 [B-Raz]: don't worry you'll win easy cause you have to be the cutest girl there
2006-03-25 [Lust]: I'm in second, soon third.
2006-03-25 [Soft as Bone]: i;m sorry this is happening to you [Lust]. i wish that people didn;t have to be so crule to others. if you think it is best for you to go i won;t question thaty, but remember you will always be missed by those who were very happy to have known you
2006-03-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: it wont let me vote
2006-03-25 [Lust]: Message [Elfpack Awards] saying you want to be apart of the awards and you should get a message next time he is on and then you can vote.
2006-03-25 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh...
2006-03-25 [Lust]: Its okay.
2006-03-26 [Lust]: I think everyone should be happy for me right now. I have almost everything I need to be a life guard except my last course. And I was called up today and they asked, almost begged me to take it. They need some one to work at the pool - bad. And they chose me <3 It's on monday to probaly wednessday from 8am to probalu 4pm... Its gonna be a fuckin work out! Wish me luck all... Maybe its what I need.. You all know?
2006-03-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: well i only wish you the best of luck boss
2006-03-26 [Lust]: Gah thing is I smoke and shit, which is going to slow my endurance down. If i am slow I'm going to have to make her a deal that I will stop and get into shape and shit... No more drinking or nuttin!
2006-03-26 [Jino]: You do that if you can't handle it...
2006-03-26 [Lust]: Heh..
2006-03-27 [Jino]: ^_^ GO LYNNEY! GO LYNEY! :does silly dance:: SAVE LIVES... SAVE LIVES... ::sings all that while doing the silly dance::
2006-03-27 [Lust]: LMAO!! =) Thanks.. *hugs*
2006-03-27 [Jino]: ::hugs back::
2006-03-27 [Lust]: *humps*
2006-03-27 [Jino]: ::goes:"...?":
2006-03-27 [Lust]: Lmao! Sorry! Single.. Erm.. It gets to you...
2006-03-27 [Voice of the Voiceless]: o.o
2006-03-27 [Jino]: <(O.o<) (>O.O<) (>o.O)>
2006-03-27 [Lust]: Whoo dance! I wanna dance.. Some one dance with me!
2006-03-27 [Frosty French Fry]: *dances with Lynney*
2006-03-27 [Lust]: YAY!!!! *dances with him well* ^-^
2006-03-28 [W!ld KAT]: yall are crazy,
2006-03-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: thank you :P
2006-03-28 [Lust]: Your welcome..!? (I'm being strange.. I know!)
2006-03-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: i dont mind being called crazy
2006-03-28 [W!ld KAT]: i know, and so am i so it was a compliment of sorts i guess
2006-03-28 [Frosty French Fry]: *still dancing*
2006-03-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: ¿
2006-03-28 [Lust]: *also still dancing* Wee!
2006-03-28 [Kaze]: *hucks cheese slices at all*
2006-03-28 [Lust]: *eats* YUM! *dances still*
2006-03-28 [Kaze]: dang.. v__v *runs out to prostitute himself more cheese*
2006-03-28 [Lust]: ... *thinks about raping him..*
2006-03-28 [W!ld KAT]: *sits in corner jammin to hawthorne heights and fall out boy*
2006-03-28 [Lust]: *ish tired from all the work she did today..*
2006-03-28 [W!ld KAT]: *looks at lynn and offers a set of spare headfones*
2006-03-28 [Lust]: *dances to what ever they are still dances to, so has to refuse or may go ouda timing*
2006-03-28 [W!ld KAT]: *shrigs, goes back to jammin and falls asleep*
2006-03-29 [Lust]: *dancing, tucks her in quickly in a blankie, and keeps a dancing*
2006-03-29 [Lust]: *Talks back anywho* Oh fine really, I'm sore with my NLS! But that is a good thing, I mean you know? I cant get two physicals which sucks but if I dont get the tomarrow I will get two weeks to be able to get them, so I should be able to do it! And yeah.. My mental and first aid are great! I actually had to lifeguard because they were short a few life guards and the pool was overly crouded, I got to yell at kids! I loved it! <3
2006-03-29 [W!ld KAT]: *still sleep talking* sounds fun! i get to give blood tomorrow for the first time
2006-03-29 [Kaze]: Everytime I try to give blood, they tell me "they're closed" Apparently my blood isn't good enough for them.
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